Dr. Chrilukovian Bwire Wasike is a Senior Lecturer at the Maseno University. He obtained his Dr.rer.Agr in Animal Breeding and Genetics, at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Animal Science, Egerton University on a Project to strengthen capacity for participatory management of indigenous livestock to foster agricultural innovation in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa (iLINOVA). He is a faculty member and Chairman of the Department of Animal Science, Maseno University and a member of the Animal Production Society of Kenya as well as American Society of Animal Science (ASAS). His research includes genetic analyses of complex traits for enhanced functional efficiency in dairy, beef, swine and Poultry species as well as genetic evaluation of male fertility and its influence on efficiency of livestock breeding programs. Dr. Wasike is a reviewer for Tropical Animal Health and Production, Journal of Dairy Research, Journal of Animal Science and South African Journal of Animal Science. He teaches Population and Quantitative Genetics, and Animal Breeding at the Undergraduate level, Population Genetics, Genetic Evaluation of Farm Animals, and Statistical Computing and Data Management in R at the post-graduate level. He has authored 2 book and (co)-authored over 40 peer reviewed research publications. His notable awards include DAAD Research Fellowship at Humboldt University of Berlin and the Norman Borlaug fellowship at The American Institute for Goat Research, Langston University. Dr. Wasike has consulted for the Livestock Recording Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Kenya and ILRI on animal genetic improvement related projects.