Establishing robust systems for genetic evaluation of livestock across
countries in Africa is the flagship pillar and a long-term and strategic objective of AABNet.
breeders and associated livestock development professionals will access methodologies,
tools, and
technical support to determine how different genotypes interact with the various
environments, and
evaluate performance under different environmental and management regimes. AABNet will
maintain a
comprehensive portfolio activities and available data in areas including:
i) adequately collected and well
annotated and synthesized data on countries with ongoing and robust national evaluations,
ii) available
national data for use to demonstrate the value of multi-country evaluation, thus offering
powerful tools
and resources for livestock improvement in the continent, and iii) building of relevant
systems to support
systematic and consistent genetic evaluation focusing on key livestock productivity and
Establishing robust systems for genetic evaluation of livestock across multiple countries in Africa is the flagship pillar and a long-term and strategic objective of AABNet.
Innovations to support productive, efficient and resilient livestock systems in Africa